Fellow Future Announces Strategic Partnership with Arauco

Fellow Future Announces Strategic Partnership with Arauco

By Erika Johansson

Fellow Future is proud to announce its partnership with ARAUCO, a leading player in sustainable forestry and the wood industry. After careful consideration, Arauco has expressed its intent to collaborate, to promote its sustainability initiatives and expand its reach in the Nordic market.

About Arauco

With a rich history spanning decades, Arauco is at the forefront of sustainable forestry practices. Headquartered in Chile, Arauco boasts a global presence, with operations in South America, North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The company is committed to developing sustainable solutions based on renewable forest resources, leveraging its extensive expertise and innovative technologies to drive positive environmental impact.

Arauco has a rich history of commitment to sustainability, focusing on developing sustainable solutions based on renewable forest resources. With a worldwide presence and customer base, Arauco has established itself as a significant player in the industry, continuously striving to improve the quality of life for millions around the world.

One of Arauco's achievements is its carbon credit generation, with several power plants registered as GHG emission reduction projects under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Annually offsetting about 650,000 tons of CO2, Arauco is dedicated to environmental conservation, and reducing its carbon footprint.

Partnership Benefits: Arauco

The collaboration presents an exciting opportunity for Arauco to leverage its sustainability initiatives and expand its impact. By utilizing Fellow Future's platform and network, Arauco aims to raise awareness of its projects and products while creating new business opportunities and engaging in collaborations within the sustainability realm.

One particular focus of the partnership is to promote Arauco's GHG emission reduction projects. Through Fellow Future's platform, Arauco plans to sell carbon offset certificates (VCUs) to businesses as well as individuals, contributing to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.

As part of the collaboration, a six-month pilot project is proposed to test the efficacy and feasibility of the partnership. During this period, both parties will work closely to implement and evaluate specific initiatives aimed at achieving mutual goals, providing valuable insights for future endeavors. Arauco has allocated 6,000 Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) for the pilot project, with the flexibility to adjust based on demand. These VCUs will be offered under market conditions, with verification and auditing costs included, ensuring transparency and accountability in the process.


Partnership Benefits: Fellow Future

  • Expanded Sustainability Initiatives: Fellow Future expands its portfolio of sustainability initiatives in the forestry and wood industry. This diversification enhances the platform's impact and relevance in promoting sustainable practices across various sectors.


  • Access to Verified Carbon Units (VCUs): Arauco's GHG emission reduction projects provide Fellow Future with access to VCUs that can be sold on its platform. This not only generates additional revenue but also promotes environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.


  • Enhanced Platform Visibility: Showcasing Arauco's projects on Fellow Future increases its visibility and credibility as an impact platform and a hub for sustainable solutions. This attracts more users, partners, and stakeholders, fostering growth and expansion opportunities.


  • New Business Opportunities: The partnership with Arauco opens new avenues for revenue generation, including the sale of carbon offset certificates. These opportunities support Fellow Future's long-term sustainability goals and contribute to its financial sustainability.


  • Insights from Pilot Projects: Fellow Future gains valuable insights and data from the pilot project, informing future collaboration strategies and optimizing operations.


  • Empowering Customers and Partners Alike: Fellow Future empowers its partners and customers to take climate action by offering carbon offsetting options. This fosters a culture of accountability, responsibility, and contributes to global decarbonization efforts.


  • Driving Demand for Sustainable Practices: By providing carbon offsetting options for e.g. online purchases/transactions, traveling etc., Fellow Future promotes responsible consumption and drives demand for sustainable practices, aligning with its commitment to sustainability.


  • Catalyzing Partnerships for Climate Action: The collaboration lays the foundation for future partnerships aimed at addressing climate change and promoting sustainability. Together, they can catalyze a network of committed partners providing circular economy, carbon offset and cleantech solutions, driving collective impact towards global sustainability goals.


  • Scaling Impact: Looking ahead, both Fellow Future and Arauco are excited about the possibilities that this partnership holds. Fellow Future provides a unified platform for diverse stakeholders to trade and collaborate on sustainability initiatives. As the ecosystem expands, the potential for collective impact grows, accelerating progress towards a sustainable future.

Opportunities to Get Involved

  • Sign up for Free: Stay updated and explore Fellow Future and our content at your own pace.

  • Purchase Carbon Offset Certificates: Support environmental conservation efforts by purchasing carbon offset certificates (VCUs) from Arauco's projects.

  • Stay Informed and Engaged: Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay informed about sustainbility trends, projects/initiatives, our company progress etc.

For Inquires or to Learn more, please contact:

Rene Churquina, Climate Tech broker and Partner, Fellow Future: rene@fellowfuture.com

Christian Rodriguez, Global Head of Climate Change, Arauco: christian.rodriguez@arauco.com