1. Welcome to Fellow Future® - Your Go-To Platform for Sustainable Solutions

Fellow Future is owned and operated by Fellow Future AB, a limited company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden (Corporate ID: 559167-9179).

This Agreement governs the terms and conditions concerning the use of the Fellow Future platform (the “Service”). By using or accessing any part of this Service, you agree to these Terms & Conditions (“This Agreement”), and to follow our Code of Conduct. Fellow Future AB may, at any time, amend This Agreement by publishing the amended terms of the Service. All amended terms shall be effective thirty (30) days after they are initially published.

Fellow Future AB
Fjärde Långgatan 20, lgh 1
SE-413 27 Gothenburg, SWEDEN

2. The Platform and Service 

2.1. Overview of Fellow Future: Fellow Future ("the Service") is an "impact platform" for sustainable trading, learning, and collaboration. The Service includes all features, functionalities, interfaces, content, products, services, resources, and tools you can view or access on the platform (the “Content”).
2.2. Purpose and Functionality of the Platform: Our platform works as a catalyst; a powerful and effective marketing channel and tool for changing business operations, and behavior. Unlike traditional marketplaces, Fellow Future is an integrated, curated site focused on innovation and transformation. It facilitatates sustainable commerce, empowering our partners and users to trade, learn, engage, collaborate/interact, and achieve sustainbility targets.

3. Access to the Service

3.1. Eligibility: As an individual or organization you can join and access the Service.
3.2. Content Access: You can always view some Content without registering, but some features and Content will only be available to you if you:
(a)  register and create a user account ("Account"); or
(b)  purchase a fixed term such as a Founding partner package or recurring subscription ("Subscription").
3.3. Service Variations: The Service (including any Content, features and functionalities) may vary depending on:
(a) your type of account (individual, or organization), your device, and your territory of residence;
(b) whether you are accessing the Service as an unregistered guest, an Account holder or subscriber;
(c) the type of Subscription you have chosen. You can read more about our Subscriptions and Pricing below.
3.4 Account Information and Responsibility: When creating an Account or purchasing a Subscription, you must provide true, accurate and complete information to us. You are responsible for your Account login credentials, for keeping them confidential, and for all activities you perform on the platform.

4. Intellectual Property Rights 

4.1. Ownership: You acknowledge and agree that Fellow Future owns all intellectual property rights, IPR (such as, but not limited to, trademarks, copyrights, inventions, patents, source code, and features of the Service) and the User obtain no rights from us with respect thereto.
4.2. Usage Rights: You also acknowledge that the grant to use the platform, as a Service does not transfer any right, title or interest on IPR belonging and/or licensed respectively to Fellow Future AB, as the owner of the platform.

4.3. Contributor Property: IP in featured Products, Services, or Content shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Contributor who uploaded it.
4.4. Contributor Responsibility: The Contributor shall guarantee that the material uploaded to the site respect for IPR. 
4.5. User Obligations: All Users must request additional consent in relation to Content, that clearly includes a motif that is subject, incl. but not limited to
(a) copyright,
(b) trademark,
(c) private property and
(d) other legal rights that might limit the use of the Content, before using the Content for commercial purposes.

5. The Content 

5.1. Access and Interaction: With an Account, you can view, access, and where applicable, download, and interact with Content on the platform.
5.2. Platform Moderation: Fellow Future has the right tomonitor, review, and without notice, delete, move or edit any Content uploaded on the platform.
5.3. Contributor Modifications: As a contributor, you agree that your Content may be subject to minor alterations or modifications for technical or formatting purposes. You have the right to inspect and approve any content related to you and your legal entity, a finished product, article or a copy.
5.4. Content Restrictions: You agree that you will not submit, post or transmit any Content through the platform/Service and its channels that:
(a) infringes on the intellectual property rights another party unless you have a formal licence or permission from the owner;
(b) victimises, harasses, degrades, or intimidates anyone on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
(c) collects for marketing purposes any personal information such as email addresses or information that has been posted by other users of the Service;
(d) impersonates any person, or entity, including Fellow Future, its agents and employees, or falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation;
(e) contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the platform;
(f) encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or that gives rise to civil liability or that causes personal injury or property damage;
(g) results in the posting or transmission of any article or message anonymously or under a false name; or that is off-topic or in violation of these terms.
5.5. Prohibited Content Use: The following use of Content shall always be considered prohibited: including but not limited to: (i) incitement to racial hatred, (ii) child pornography, (iii) slander, (iv) insult, (v) instigation of rebellion, (vi) unlawful description of violence. Any use that may in any other way be conceived as (i) threatening, (ii) insulting, (iii) racist, (iv) vulgar, (v) indecent, (vi) sexist or (vii) use which violates the personal sphere, integrity, or dignity of a private individual, or is viewed as harmful to either the subject of the Content, users or the reputation of Fellow Future and/or its partner brands.

6. Partnership Program

6.1. Program Overview: Fellow Future offers various partnership models to foster collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth within our ecosystem. Our partnership program is designed to cater to diverse needs and contributions, ensuring a comprehensive and supportive environment. 
(a) Founding Partner: A Founding Partner is an entity that joins Fellow Future at the inception stage, playing a crucial role in shaping the direction and development of the platform. Founding Partners are involved in strategic decision-making and have significant influence on the platform’s growth and evolution. Benefits include: (i) Early access to platform features, functionalities, and updates, (ii) Priority support and dedicated account management, (iii) Exclusive marketing and branding opportunities and recognition as a distinguished Founding Partner.
(b) Strategic Partner: A Strategic Partner collaborates with Fellow Future to achieve long-term goals and shared objectives. This partnership involves aligning business strategies and resources to maximize impact and value. Strategic Partners benefit from: (i) Joint marketing and promotional activities, (ii) Co-development of products, services, or solutions, (iii) Enhanced visibility and influence within the Fellow Future ecosystem.
(c) Solution Partner: A Solution Partner offers specialized products, services, projects, or solutions within the platform. They contribute to the diversity and richness of our marketplace, addressing specific needs of users and enhancing their experience. Benefits include: (i) Access to our network of potential partners and customers, (ii) Opportunities to showcase and sell projects, solutions, (iii) Collaborative opportunities with other partners and stakeholders.
(d) Affiliate Partner. An affiliate promotes Fellow Future’s platform and services through various channels, earning commissions for referrals and successful conversions. This partnership model is ideal for individuals or organizations looking to support and benefit from the platform's growth. Affiliate Partners receive: (i) Competitive commission rates on referrals and sales, (ii) Marketing materials and support for promotional activities.
6.2. Code of Conduct: All partners are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct and the principles of sustainability, transparency, and ethical behavior. Partners must ensure that their activities, projects/initiatives, solutions, and contributions align with the platform’s mission and values.
6.3. Entry Level Subscription: Fellow Future offers a free entry level subscription for all partners. To be featured and use more functions of the platform, all partners are subject to subscription fees. Below is an overview of what’s included in the free subscription compared to our paid subscriptions:
(a) Free Subscription: (i) Basic profile, (ii) Access to general features, (iii), Limited access to marketing tools and support, (iv) No financial commitment.
(b) Paid Subscriptions: (i) Featured profile, and full access to features and tools, (ii) Priority support and dedicated account management, (iii) Expanded marketing and (co-)branding opportunities, (iv) Analytics and reporting tools. For more information on our subscriptions and pricing, refer to Section 16.
6.4. Refund Policy: Fellow Future offers a 30-day refund policy for new partners. If you are not satisfied with the partnership within the first 30 days, you may request a refund. To request a refund, please contact us at info@fellowfuture.com and provide your name, account information, and reason for the request. Refunds will be processed within ten (10) business days of approval. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method. Refunds are granted only if the request is made within the first 30 days of the partnership starting date. No refunds will be issued after this period.
6.5. Termination of Partnership: Fellow Future reserves the right to terminate any partnership agreement if a partner fails to comply with these Terms & Conditions, engages in unethical or harmful behavior, or violates any applicable laws and regulations. Termination will be communicated in writing and will be effective thirty (30) days after the notice has been provided, and partners will be given an opportunity to address any issues before termination.
6.6. Agreement and Commitment: By entering into a partnership with Fellow Future, partners agree to these terms and commit to contributing positively to our community and ecosystem. For details on becoming a Fellow Future partner, read here or contact us at info@fellowfuture.com.

7. Products and Services 

7.1. Partner Listings: As a partner you are able to add listings for offerings, including sustainable products, services, education, software and tools (e.g. for project management, sustainability assessments, carbon footprint measurement, energy monitoring, waste management, marketing/communication, AI-based applications, business/startup and survey tools, ESG reporting and compliance), which appear on your profile page and in the marketplace.
7.2. Compliance: You are responsible for ensuring your offers comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and to include any documentation required.
7.3. Ethical Standards: Fellow Future aims to provide products and services that support the overall purpose of the platform, focusing on sustainability and ethical practices. Although we strive to ensure that all offerings are sustainable and ethically produced, as a platform, we cannot guarantee this. All partners are expected to adhere to standards, our entry criteria and requirements, and by registering as a partner you commit and agree to our Terms and Conditions. Unethical processes, behaviour, lack of transparency, attempts at greenwashing, and fraud can result in a suspension of an account.
7.4. Offers and Availability: As it is the partner that offers the Products and Services, we cannot guarantee any offers, prices or the availability of. However, as stated above, we do screenings and a thorough vetting process to reassure that all offers are according to the policy and entry requirements of the Service, therefore, we may also have to remove specific items/services, categories/sub-categories, content, and change the selection.
7.5. Terms and Definitions: For specific terms related to products and services being listed, refer to https://www.fellowfuture.com/definitions

8. Criteria for Participation

8.1. Platform Participants: Our platform welcomes individuals. businesses and organizations who share our mission and comittment to sustainability. We provide a space where they can participate and showcase their offerings, share knowledge, solutions, tools, and contribute to the broader ecosystem.
8.2. Partner Criteria: For partners, we have established the following criteria to maintain our commitment. We employ a robust scoring system that evaluates the engagement and performance of brands on our platform. It incentivizes users and allows users to make informed decisions.
(a) Commitment to Sustainability: Demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainable business, governance structures, ESG policies, and goals.
(b) Sustainability Performance: Show a track record of implementing sustainable practices with tangible results in energy efficiency, waste reduction, CO2 reduction, social impact, community engagement, and responsible sourcing.
(c) Ethical Production: Ensure prooduction under ethical working conditions, with fair wages, safe environments, and compliance with labor laws.
(d) Sustainable Materials: Prioritize materials with low impact, such as organic, recycled, upcycled, biodegradable, renewable, or responsibly sourced.
(e) Circular Economy: Emphasize reduction, reuse, and recycling, and implement strategies like product take-back programs or closed-loop processes.
(f) Supply Chain Transparency: Adhere to standards of sustainable practices, providing visibility into the production process and origins of products.
(g) Innovation and Collaboration: Demonstrate innovative approaches in product development, process optimization, or collaborative initiatives.
(h) Industry and Thought Leadership: Actively drive positive change through sustainability practices, partnerships, and/or thought leadership.
(i) Verification and Certification: Hold relevant professional and sustainability certifications, awards, or labels to demonstrate commitment to Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) standards. The types of required documentation may include, but are not limited to (i) Copies of relevant certifications or awards, (ii) Proof of compliance with industry standards, (iii) Documentation of sustainability practices and policies.
(j) Stakeholder Engagement: Engage actively with various stakeholders, including businesses, industry experts, NGOs, and digital platforms etc.
8.3. Assessment Process: To ensure compliance with the above criteria, we follow a structured assessment process:
(a) Initial Application: Partners submit an application including required documentation as outlined in section 8.2(i).
(b) Evaluation: Our evaluation team reviews the submitted documentation and assesses the partner’s alignment with the criteria. This process includes a scoring system where each criterion is evaluated based on the information provided.
(c) Feedback and Improvement: After the evaluation, partners receive feedback including areas of strength and recommendations for improvement.
(d) Ongoing Review: Partner performance is reviewed annually or biennially to ensure continued compliance with the criteria. Updates or changes to the criteria may be communicated, and partners are expected to adapt accordingly.

9. Criteria for Selecting Projects and Solutions

9.1. Commitment to Standards: At Fellow Future, we are committed to ensuring the highest standards in the projects and solutions we offer and feature on our platform. Our strategy outlines the criteria and processes we employ to select projects and solutions that create positive impact. By adhering to this framework and standards we aim to provide our partners and users with trustworthy, impactful solutions and opportunities. Our criteria are:
(a) Environmental Impact: Projects and solutions featured must demonstrate tangible benefits, such as carbon sequestration, emission reductions, or ecosystem restoration. We prioritize those with robust methods for quantifying and verifying impact, ensuring transparency and accountability.
(b) Social Responsibility: We prioritize projects and initiatives that prioritize social welfare and community engagement, particularly those that benefit marginalized or vulnerable populations. Projects and solutions should adhere to principles of fair labor practices, human rights, and community empowerment, fostering positive social outcomes and equitable and sustanable development.
(c) Governance Standards: We prioritize projects and solutions that uphold strong governance standards, incl. transparency, accountability, and compliance with standards and norms. We conduct due diligence to assess the governance practices and ensure ethical conduct.
(d) Innovation and Scalability: We seek projects that demonstrate innovation and scalability in addressing climate change and sustainability challenges. We prioritize initiatives with potential for long-term impact and replication, fostering innovation and driving systemic change.
(e) Verification and Certification: Projects must undergo third-party verification and certification to ensure their credibility and integrity. We partner with certification bodies, agencies, and standards organizations to verify project eligibility and compliance with industry best practices. Projects and solutions must provide relevant documentation or evidence, such as certifications, audit reports, or compliance statements, to support their claims.
(f) Stakeholder Engagement: We value stakeholder engagement and consultation throughout the project lifecycle. Projects and solutions should demonstrate meaningful engagement with local communities, stakeholders, and indigenous peoples, respecting their rights, knowledge, and practices.
(g) Diversity & Inclusivity: We promote diversity and inclusivity, striving to feature a diverse range of projects from different industries, regions, and communities. We prioritize inclusivity and representation, ensuring that they reflect the global diversity of environmental and social challenges.
(h) Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement. We regularly review and update our content, criteria, policies, terms, and norms to reflect best practices, stakeholder feedback, and emerging sustainability trends, ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of our platform.
9.2. Process Overview: To ensure that the projects and solutions meet the highest standards, we follow a thorough and transparent evaluation process:
(a) Submission and Initial Review: Projects and solutions are submitted through our platform by partners. Upon submission, our team conducts an initial review to ensure that the basic criteria are met. This includes verifying the documentation provided and checking for compliance with our standards.
(b) Detailed Evaluation: Projects that pass the initial review may be subjected to a detailed evaluation by our panel of experts. This panel may includes industry specialists, sustainability professionals, and governance experts who assess each project based on the outlined criteria (see 9.1. above).
(c) Frequency of Evaluations: Evaluations are conducted on a rolling basis as new projects and solutions are submitted. Additionally, periodic re-evaluations are carried out for ongoing projects to ensure continued compliance and effectiveness.
(d) Feedback Provision: After the evaluation, feedback is provided to the project submitters. This includes an assessment of strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations for aligning with our criteria, aiming to support project enhancement and alignment with sustainability goals.
(e) Verification and Certification: Projects that meet our standards proceed to third-party verification and certification, where applicable. This step ensures the credibility and integrity of the project through external validation by reputable certification bodies.
(f) Approval and Feature: Once a project successfully passes all evaluation stages and receives the necessary certifications, it is approved and featured on our platform. Partners are informed of the approval and are provided with resources to help promote their project within the Fellow Future ecosystem.
(g) Continuous Monitoring: Approved projects are continuously monitored to ensure ongoing compliance with our criteria. This includes regular check-ins, ESG and progress reports, re-assessments and certifications as needed.
9.3. Pilot Projects: We encourage the suggestion and submission of pilot projects to foster innovation and test new approaches to sustainability. Pilot projects are subject to the same rigorous evaluation process as other projects but are given additional engagement, support and resources to facilitate their development and scaling. Feedback and learnings from pilot projects are used to refine and improve future initiatives and collaboration.
Invitation to Join our Mission: By adhering to international standards and these criteria, Fellow Future aims to curate a portfolio of projects and solutions that deliver environmental and social benefits while upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability. We invite our you to join us in advancing sustainability and climate action through your support of these impactful projects and solutions. All partners are welcome to contribute their own projects/initiatives and solutions that align with Fellow Future's mission and vision, strategy, criteria, and goals. Learn more

10. Onboarding of Partners 

10.1. Application and Screening: To become a partner and sell, all users need to fill out a Partner application, and we do an initial vetting and screening of all brands, to ensure that they live up to our criteria, and standards. When a partner has been approved, we will start the onboarding process:
(a) Documentation & Verification: Our team carefully reviews the provided documentation and conducts verifications to assess the accuracy and credibility of the information provided by the seller, service provider, or transportation partner. Verification by an accredited agency is encouraged.
(b) Transparency & Disclosure: We encourage all partners to be transparent about their sustainability efforts, product and service quality, circular economy initiatives, transportation and delivery practices, and their commitment to recycling and upcycling materials. 
(c) Feedback & Reviews: We consider customer feedback and reviews as an essential aspect of our review process. Positive feedback from users on a partner's sustainability efforts, product/service quality and sustainable practices can contribute to their continued presence on the platform.
(d) Ongoing Monitoring: We maintain an ongoing relationship with our partners to ensure they continue to meet our criteria and standards. This includes periodic reviews, audits, and assessments of production, transportation and delivery methods and circular economy practices.
(e) Education & Support: We offer educational resources, tools, and guidance to partners to help them continually improve their business model and sustainability practices, product and service quality etc. Partners are encouraged to set clear achievable sustainability and circular economy goals.
(f) Partner Onboarding & Approval: All partners agree to respect the application and onboarding process. Once approved, we send an onboarding email, which includes a list of what is required to be successfully onboarded to our platform. Providing assets does not guarantee the use of these on our platform. Fellow Future reserves the right to diselect, modify or change assets based on our content, categories, and design parameters. 

11. Payments and Payouts 

11.1. Accepted Payment Methods: Fellow Future accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and other forms of electronic payment. Our payment systems include trusted solutions such as: Stripe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Swish (Sweden only). Banking services are provided by Handelsbanken, Drottninggatan 36, 411 14 Gothenburg, Sweden, who is authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. 
11.2. Payment Security: Stripe employs advanced security measures, incl. encryption and tokenization, to ensure that sensitive payment information is securely transmitted and stored. For payments made through Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Swish, similar security measures are employed by each respective payment provider. By leveraging these solutions, we can provide secure payments without the need for a separate PCI DSS certification.
11.3. Transaction Process: When a transaction occurs on the platform, funds are collected from the customer through the Stripe payment processing system. The funds are initially held by Stripe. Fellow Future deduct a commission fee from the collected funds. The remaining amount is the net amount that will be eligible for payout to the partner. For transactions processed through Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Swish, the process is similar, with funds collected and held by the respective payment provider before being processed for payout.
11.4. Partner Onboarding for Payouts: Partners who want to receive regular payouts will need to go through an onboarding process provided by Stripe Connect. This involves creating a Stripe account and provide the necessary information, such as banking details, to set up their payout preferences.
11.5. Payout Schedule and Tracking: Payouts are made through bank transfer on the 25th every month. Stripe provides reporting tools that allow Fellow Future and its partners to track the transaction history, fees, and payout details. This helps in reconciling the payouts and keeping track of earnings.

12. Linking to Our Platform

12.1. Permissible Linking Practices: You may promote and refer to Fellow Future via a digital link, provided that such linking is done in an ethical manner and does not harm the brand or the company's reputation. Linking should not imply any form of affiliation, endorsement, or co-branding unless agreed upon with Fellow Future or its partners. Our platform may not be used as a framework or basis for any other website without a specific agreement.
12.2 Right to Withdraw Linking Permission: Fellow Future reserves the right to withdraw permission if the conditions in section 12.1 are violated. The website from which the link originates must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of good business and marketing practice.

13. Limitation of Liability 

13.1. No Responsibility for Intellectual Property or User Relations: Fellow Future assumes no responsibility for intellectual property rights, or for relationships between partners, users, or any other liabilities not expressly stated in this agreement. Fellow Future does not guarantee that Contributors who upload Content or solutions to the Service have obtained the necessary consent to commercialize such Content or solutions.
13.2. Content Use Advisory: Users are advised to handle Content with care and to avoid using Content that may infringe upon third-party rights, such as images or trademarks. If users are uncertain whether the Content infringes upon third-party rights, they should contact Fellow Future for clarification.
13.3. Contributor Liability: The Contributor (a partner or user) who uploads Content is responsible for any damage suffered by users due to infringement. Fellow Future may choose to remedy such damages up to €1000 and/or provide assistance as deemed appropriate. Fellow Future is not liable for a user’s use of any Content. If a user’s use of Content breaches this agreement or applicable local, national, or international law, both the Contributor and the user are entitled to pursue legal actions against the breach or infringement.
13.4. Limitation of Liability: The user expressly understands and agrees that Fellow Future, or its product/service providers, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill, or data resulting from the use of the Service or any related matters. Fellow Future’s liability in relation to this agreement is limited to €1000.
13.5. No Responsibility for Uploaded Content: Fellow Future cannot be held responsible for any of the Content uploaded to the Service.

14. Indemnification and User-Information 

14.1. Indemnification: The user shall indemnify and hold harmless Fellow Future and its service providers from any liability, losses, damages, costs, or expenses arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including the user’s negligence, use, or misuse of the Service.
14.1. User Capacity and Legal Age: When users upload or purchase content, products or services through the Service the user warrants that he or she has the legal capacity and age (18 years), or has the consent, to enter into an agreement that is legally binding to the obligations set forth in this agreement.
14.2. Account Creation and Security: To access the platform, the user must register and create a account. Once registered, you will receive your login details to be able to manage purchases, your orders, sales, and account. Your login details are personal and must be kept secure, handled with care.
14.3. Accurate Information: When interacting with the Service, users must provide Fellow Future with current, accurate, and complete information as requested in registration forms and onboarding emails. Users are responsible for keeping their information up to date.
14.5. Responsibility for Account Access: Users are responsible for all activities that occur under their account. Login credentials must be kept confidential. While Fellow Future can assist with account management and password resets, we do not have access to your password. 
14.4. Data Protection:
Fellow Future processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for users within the European Union. We also comply with the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) as applicable to our platform within the EU. For users in the United Kingdom, we adhere to the UK Data Protection Act 2018. For details on how Fellow Future processes personal data as a data controller and to understand our compliance with these data protection laws and regulations, please refer to our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy available on our website. 
14.5. Communication:
Fellow Future reserves the right to send emails to the registered addresses of partners and users. These communications may include relevant information about trends, needs, and the progress of Fellow Future as a brand, as well as updates from partners to Fellow Future.
14.7. Unsubscribing and Account Closure: To unsubscribe to email offers, click here. To close or block your account, email us info@fellowfuture.com.

15. Buying and Selling 

15.1. Global Transactions and Compliance: Fellow Future connects buyers and sellers (individual experts, companies and other stakeholders) from around the world. If you buy or sell an item, a service, licence, or membership, from another country, or if you enter into a transaction with someone across borders, you are responsible for complying with laws and regulations of the country of destination as well as your local laws.
15.2. Buyer Responsibilities and Policies: By buying on Fellow Future, you understand that:
(a) You are not buying directly from Fellow Future you are buying from a Partner/seller that uses our marketplace.
(b) Each partner/seller on Fellow Future has their own processing times, shipping methods, and shipping, refund, and return policies.
(c) All purchases are final and binding, Buyers will not be refunded under any circumstances, except if it is required by Swedish or applicable local laws.
(d) Buyers have right of withdrawal by law means that you have 14 days to withdraw from a purchase that you made online.
(e) ou are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date billing information. Any discrepancies may result in transaction failures or delays.
15.3. Seller Responsibilities and Policies: By selling on Fellow Future as a featured partner, you agree to:
(a) Provide excellent customer service and maintain trust with buyers.
(b) Respond to email and other communications in a timely manner
(c) Ship physical products within 3 business days or according to the shipping time mentioned on the product page at the time of purchase
(d) Package physical products to withstand handling in transit. Utilize sustainable packaging options that are available to you.
(e) Comply with all relevant policies and regulations mentioned herein, including shipping and refund policy, Code of Conduct etc.
15.4. Service, Education, Software, and Tool Sales: In addition to the above:
(a) Ensure that any services, courses, software, and tools offered are accurately described and meet the specified standards and requirements.
(b) Provide any necessary documentation, licenses, or access credentials promptly upon purchase.
(c) Clearly outline the terms of service, including any subscription periods, renewal terms, and cancellation policies for software and tool licenses.
(d) For educational courses and webinars, ensure that all content is up-to-date, accurate, and delivers the promised educational value.
(e) Maintain compliance with intellectual property laws and ensure that all digital products, such as software and tools, are legally distributed.

16. Subscriptions and Pricing

16.1. Subscription Overview: Joining Fellow Future is free and we offer subscription-based access to certain features and services on our platform. Subscriptions provide users with ongoing access to premium content, tools, and functionalities that are not available to non-subscribed users.
16.2. Subscription Plans and Fees: We offer various subscription plans with different levels of access and benefits. The details of each plan, including the features included and the associated fees, are available on our platform. Subscription fees are charged on a recurring basis as specified in your chosen plan. Some subscriptions may start with a free period of access, which is available to new subscribers only (one per subscriber), unless stated otherwise.
16.3. Payment Terms: Subscription fees are billed in advance on a monthly or annual basis, depending on the plan selected. Payments are processed through secure payment gateways. By subscribing, you authorize us to charge the provided payment method for the subscription fees. At the start of your subscription (or at the end of your free period), and on any renewal, you will be charged using the payment method chosen at sign-up. Payments will be taken automatically on or around the first day of each new subscription period at the same price unless we have notified you of a price change.
16.4. Subscription Duration and Renewal: Subscriptions are valid for the duration specified in your chosen plan. At the end of each subscription period, your subscription will automatically renew for the same duration unless you cancel it at least 24 hours before the renewal date (or before the end of any free period of access). Renewal fees will be charged to the payment method on file.
16.5. Cancellation and Refunds: You may cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings. Cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle. Refunds for partial subscription periods or unused time are generally not provided unless required by applicable law.
16.6. Payment Failures: If a payment fails due to an expired payment method or insufficient funds, and you do not cancel your subscription, we reserve the right to suspend access to your subscription and/or account until we obtain a valid payment method. We will inform you of our decision to suspend your subscription and/or account with a 48-hour notice to provide a working payment method.
16.7. Changes to Subscription Plans: Fellow Future reserves the right to modify subscription plans, including changes to fees and features. We will provide at least 30 days' notice via email of any significant changes to pricing. Price changes will not affect your current subscription period and will only apply on renewal. If you do not wish to continue your subscription at the new price, you can cancel it before the start of the next subscription period.
16.8. Account and Access: Upon successful subscription, you will receive access to the features and content associated with your plan. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for any activity that occurs under your account.
16.9. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be handled in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
16.10. Verification and Changes: When buying a subscription, providing a payment method, or updating your payment method, a nominal charge may be temporarily taken for verification purposes. To view your billing information or to update or change your payment method, visit your Account area.

17. Currency and Transactions

17.1. Transactions in Swedish Krona (SEK): All transactions on Fellow Future are conducted in Swedish Krona (SEK). Prices displayed on the platform, including product and service listings, subscription fees, VAT, and transaction amounts, are denominated in SEK unless otherwise specified.
17.2. Currency Conversion for International Transactions: For transactions outside Sweden, currency conversion may apply. Please note that the final transaction amount in your local currency may vary based on prevailing exchange rates and any additional fees imposed by your financial institution.
17.3. Exchange Rates and Third-Party Fees: Exchange rates used for currency conversion are determined by financial institutions and payment processors. Fellow Future is not responsible for fluctuations in exchange rates or any fees charged by third-party financial institutions.
17.4. Pricing Transparency and International Fees: Prices are determined by Fellow Future and its partners/sellers based on their practices, goals, and market considerations. Any additional taxes, duties, or fees associated with international transactions are the responsibility of the buyer.
Upcoming Features for Tax and Currency Conversion: Fellow Future will provide a tax and a currency conversion feature as part of the development of international transactions. Users are encouraged to review the final transaction amount in their local currency before completing a purchase.
17.7. Policy Changes and Notifications: Fellow Future reserves the right to modify its currency and pricing policies at its discretion. Users will be notified of any changes through platform notifications or updated Terms and Conditions.

18. Commission and Conflict of Interest

18.1. Commission for Platform Access: Fellow Future charges a commission for marketing and promotional access to our platform. This commission is designed to enhance the visibility and reach of your services, products, and educational offerings. The commission fee of is based on a percentage (0-25%) of the transaction amount before fees and taxes, VAT, and depends on the subscription level. The commission is paid directly to Fellow Future and not to any participating professionals, including lawyers or firms.
18.2. Purpose and Transparency: This commission supports the development and operational costs of the platform. It is intended to ensure transparency and fairness in the services provided through the platform. Importantly, this commission does not affect the objectivity or fairness in how services are presented or promoted on our platform.
18.3. Enhanced Visibility and Benefits: By joining Fellow Future, you gain access to enhanced visibility within a dynamic partner ecosystem and a marketplace dedicated to sustainability and innovation. This increased exposure can significantly boost your firm's profile and attract potential clients who align with your values and expertise.
18.4. Ethical Standards and Conflict of Interest: Fellow Future is committed to maintaining high ethical standards. We ensure that our commission model does not create conflicts of interest. Our provision structure complies with relevant legal and professional standards to prevent any undue influence or bias in the marketing of services.
18.5. Support and Investment: The commission supports the continuous improvement and expansion of our platform. It allows us to invest in advanced features, technologies, marketing efforts, and technical support, ensuring a robust and effective environment for showcasing your services and connecting with potential clients.
18.6. Addressing Concerns and Initial Incentives: We understand that concerns about the commission model are important. We are happy to discuss specific concerns and provide additional information on how the commission is utilized and the benefits it brings to your firm. To address initial concerns, we offer a reduced commission rate during the first 12 months of your participation. This allows you to experience the benefits of our platform while minimizing your initial investment.

19. Duration, Termination, and Legal Matters 

19.1. Duration and Termination:
This Agreement is effective from the date the User accepts it and continues until the User terminates their account. Fellow Future reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, to terminate user accounts and/or block Users from accessing the Service.
19.2. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is declared or deemed void, invalid, or unenforceable in whole or in part for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
19.3 Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
19.4 Disputes: Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or its breach, termination, or invalidity, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Swedish courts, with the Stockholm District Court as the court of first instance. Users may bring claims to enforce consumer protection rights in Sweden or in the EU country of residence. Additionally, consumers residing in Sweden or the EU are protected by mandatory provisions of their local law. For alternative dispute resolution, consumers can use ARN (Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden) at Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, Sweden, or visit www.arn.se. The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show. We encourage Users to contact us directly to resolve any issues or inquiries.

Updated July 24, 2024.